Six hours driving south with my best friend landed us smack dab in the middle of downtown Memphis! We've been planning this trip since the beginning of the year, and let's just say after finals week last week it is much needed!
We didn't do anything too exciting- especially considering I just turned twenty. We did make our first stop Beale St. and ate some yummy ribs at BB Kings! Chris drank some peachy potion called Love on the Delta while I settled for a virgin Bloody Mary. She got the giggles while I got to giggle at her soberly. Can I just be 21 already? They had a live band that played all kinds of the classic songs you'd associate with Memphis, just wish I actually caught the name of it. They were surprising good with their remakes of Elvis and Johnny Cash. Next we hit the street. Got to see Coyote Ugly up close and personal, yet once again being as I am not 21 yet, I couldn't get in. I did peek in and the bar was lined with bras just like I expected it to be! We explored the gift shops and found lots of cute little odd bits, but decided to wait and see what else was in store in terms of shopping. We do have four more days in town after all!
Now we're back in the hotel room, sipping on some sweet summer time refreshments, and ready to hit the hot tub! First night in Memphis is easily a success!! :)
xo, M
PS- After 9 whole months Chris has finally conquered the art of scrolling down on my Mac.
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