21 August 2013

I'm a Terrible Blogger

Holy Jebus!

Sorry ya'll I never claimed to be an awesome blogger, and from my track record I guess you can tell that is far from the truth.

I haven't seen Derek since June 16th which feels like forrrrreeeeevvvvveeeeeerrrrrr! Good news though- I get to see him on October 24th! I have the plane ticket bought and everything. I'm flying down there for the weekend so that I can be his beautiful date for the Marine Ball.

I started my Fall Semester of my Junior year at school this week, and let me tell you, I'm exhausted, not to mention completely scatter-brained! I am doing a fully course load, on top of working Lonestar and a Desk Assistant job. Yesterday was the first day in a week and a half that I have actually been able to sleep a full 8 hours solid. Today for example- class from 8:00am-11:00am and again from 1:00-3:00pm, then I have to work at Lonestar at 5:45pm until whenever I get cut, then on desk from 12:00am-3:00am. At least I can sleep in again tomorrow since I don't have anything until my Chiropractor's appointment at 11:15am.

Well, I think I'm going to buy me a USMC hoodie right about now. Write back soon... hopefully!
