26 March 2013

Another Day Down

   I feel so relieved now! I got to talk to the friend I had written about in my last post- the one I had gotten into an argument with. Well we talked things out and quite honestly it was just a whole heap of miscommunication. Thank God! I honestly couldn't imagine not having her here for me. Especially now with all the stress of D leaving and a potential wedding to be planned.
   Other than that today has been quite uneventful. I simply slept in and went to class. I did re-arrange my dorm a little and cleaned up. As always, I am just now finishing some homework that is due tomorrow. I'm such a procrastinator! It's for my Creative Writing class. We were supposed to write a short (3 page) story with something magical in it. I went with a theme of "Google having all the answers". If anyone is interested in hearing it I've been debating posting some of the stuff I write on here. Especially since writing its kind of my escape. Let me know what you all think?
   Not much else to say for the day. As always, just counting the days away.

24 March 2013

Day 17

So D has officially been gone for 17 days. I haven't allowed myself much time to really process the fact that he is really gone, but obviously it's not that easy to keep off my mind. The past few days have really been tough for me and I'd be lying if I said I haven't been tempted to just take all of my money and run away to North Carolina right now.

I have seemed to get into a disagreement with one of my closest friends. I honestly had no idea how she was feeling, and just knew that the past few months she has really began to make me feel like everything I have done is wrong in one way or another. Either way, Wednesday we got into a heated "discussion" and I haven't talked to her since. I feel really lost without her, but really don't feel like I was in the wrong. She accused me of not being there for her, and when I am there having it feel like a chore. That's not how it is at all, but with my waitressing job, school work (which I was beginning to fall behind in), and then this new relationship with D, I just haven't had as much free time as I used to. I'm really struggling with all of this because I wish I could tell her about the plans that me D have made, but quite honestly, I don't think she would approve.

It's times like this that I really miss D. I wish he was here to comfort me in person. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, because I still get to talk to him on a daily basis. It does amaze me how much he can make me feel better even if he is 15 hours away. I truly am blessed to have him in my life.

Getting a little closer every minute. Until I get to see him again... I'll keep counting the days away.


23 March 2013


     I started this blog as a way for my family to keep track of what I was doing on a daily basis while visiting family in Holland during December 2011. Now I have decided could simply be my way of keeping track of my days while I wait in Southern Illinois for my Marine boyfriend who is currently stationed in North Carolina. Out of the five or so months that I have known him (we met on a dating website... crazy I know), we have been able to spend a total of 23 days together. Sounds crazy when I say it like that, but I couldn't imagine waiting for anyone else.

     I will hopefully get to see him in May, whether that means he gets leave to come home or I fly down there before my summer classes begin. As long as it's before he leaves for seven months with very little contact I will be happy. I know this life wouldn't be easy when I agreed to be his girlfriend, but each day proves just how worth  it he is.

          I see him again, I will be counting the days away.
