01 September 2013

Just Some Early Morning Word Vomit

Hey ya'll!

So the past few days have been sooooo hectic and tiring exhausting! Friday I somehow managed to clock in 10 hours at my desk assistant job on top of going to all of my classes! To finish off the day Christine and I attempted to make some Salmon for a girls night (that I had to leave early because of work at 3:00am). It actually wasn't too bad after we decided to slice off the scaley part to be able to cook it all the way through. We paired it with this ungodly good lime butter (literally just a stick of butter and 4-5 tablespoons of lime juice) and some asparagus. Of course we had a few adult beverages with it as well.

Then off to work I went. Desk from 3:00am-6:00am and then Lonestar at 11:30am. Not too bad, but my last table oh my geezeballs! This lady was so rude, and even left a note saying that we had made her dining experience "uncomfortable"? Um ma'am, I think the fact that you refused to let your drink get below 3/4 of the way full, complained about how your side salad wasn't big enough (or that there wasn't any bacon or cucumbers with it), and then got snippy when I refused an expired coupon made it very uncomfortable for me. Ugh! Sometimes I don't know how I have survived being a waitress for 4 years. Desk is, as always since I pretty much only work shifts between 12:00am and 6:00am, was full of some very entertaining drunk college students. But as the picture above states, I feel like I do absolutely nada during my three hours of boredom behind this awesome desk.

Not sure if I ever described what i do at my desk job, but pretty much I'm just a "security feature" (if you ask any university official) that ensures that there are no randoms in the building (it's a dorm). When somebody comes into the building they have to swipe their student ID, and it will say "oh hey welcome home" or "da fuq you don't live here". If the second happens, they have to have one of our lovely residents sign them in (but only two guest max). 3 hour shifts at $8.25 an hour working roughly 15-20 hours a week, seems pretty easy peasy. Bright side, you can usually con some pizza off most of the residents.

By the end of today I'm pretty sure I will be the wicked witch from the South! I already worked 12:00am-3:00am, doing my 6:00-9:00am shift at desk now. I get a teeny tiny break before having to report for duty at Lonestar at 12:15pm and then again at 4:30pm. And Holy Moses be back at desk Monday for a 3:00am-6:00am and then Lonestar at 5:15pm!! Let's just say I must have earned some massive karma points because if I had to do my regular Monday class schedule of 8:00am-3:00pm, I would surely croak! Thank you Labor Day!!!!!

Buuuuuuut, I think I'm going to go back to doing zip zilch and nada, or read some more of the lovely blogs that I like to read on the daily.

Peace Out Girl Scouts :)

Sidenote: Anyone out there have any idea how to make my background magig as pretty and awesome looking as like 9.9/10 of all the blogs I read? I'm clueless with this stuff. Spanks in advance :)

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