03 September 2013

New Hair?

So I've been thinking that I am much overdo for a new hairdo. Derek seems to agree- though I think it's more of a "I'm tired of listening to you complain about your hair so you should go change it" kind of thing. Decided to change up my hairstyle is never to much of an issue, but decided what I want to do is whole nother story. So let's do a vote, or just get some opinions, huh?

I think I'm pretty set on this being my haircut
Now for hair color I guess I should include a couple pictures of me so you can decide what you think would look best haha

Anyways... sooooooo that's my face haha. Here are my bazillion options cut down to my favorites. 

Sorry if that is a little bit of an overload but I just can't decide!!! Help me pweeeez :)

Have a great Tuesday-but-feels-like-Monday :)

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