12 November 2013

Confessions of a Shopaholic

If you could scroll through the majority of the blogs in my feed, pinterest boards, YouTube, Tumblr and just about any other form of social media out there, you would realize that I have quite the addiction to fashion. This means I spend entirely way too much time browsing said sites and even more time browsing online stores and saving item after item into my countless wish lists. Obviously with the holidays coming- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve- it is of the utmost importance that I waste even more time to find the very best outfit for each occasion. This brought me to a conversation with my sister over in England as she was stuck in the dilemma of needing to pick out the perfect dress for all of the Christmas parties coming up on base. I was obviously an amazing sister who loves any excuse to Facetime and told her to just call me up and we would go through every single item in her closest, but nooo her dilemma wasn't finding a perfect dress, it was picking which one she should buy. I've obviously had this problem and simply told her that she should go with the cheapest and most re-wearable (is that even a word?) dress. Problem numero dos- they were all only around $20 and could definitely be re-worn. My next fix would be to just buy them all, and when she sent me the pictures of them that is exactly what I wanted to tell her to do- and then she could go ahead and ship them on over here when she was done wearing them because lezbehonest, I fell in love. I obviously had to figure out where she was shopping so that I could add no a few extra hours of online shopping. So now that you have read through this mostly pointless back-story which you most likely scrolled past in order to see all of my latest obsessions I guess I should probably let you in on what exactly this little shop of amazingness is.ModCloth has honestly taken up the majority of my scrolling time lately and it has so many amazing items that I could wear to just about anything- which comes in handy considering I really need to build a new wardrobe for PRSSA/my future career, going out clothes, and should-probably-stop-wearing-sweats-and-hoodies clothes. So without further ado, because we all know how I love to ramble, here are my top picks for various occasions:
I can just picture myself wearing this shirt to class or for the many flights I find myself in. I'm not sure why I love it so much but I sure do!

These shorts are in my first to buy list. I plan on pairing them with a black body suit and some booties for New Year's Eve.

This skirt is the definition of perfect for PRSSA and the unbelievable amount of conferences I find myself going to.

Again, perfect for PRSSA and conferences.

I love animal print and these shorts just look so comfy that I feel like I could wear these daily and still look put together.

Anybody else have any amazing shops for me to check out?


  1. Love the sequin shorts.

    Hope you had a great long weekend.



    1. They will be my first purchase as soon as I get the money! And thank you, you too! :)

      with love -m


Go ahead- make my day! I'll letcha :)