19 November 2013

She Works Hard for the Money

Well it's official. I put in my resignation for the Desk Assistant job that you have all heard so much about. It's not really something that I wanted to do at all, but with the way my classes are scheduled on top of the shifts I was working, I was a forever zombie. I just can't live my life always waiting for the moment that I can climb into my bed. I will still be working the rest of this semester and through winter break, but come January 13th I'm out of here!

The main reason I didn't want to quit this job was for the steady $350 paychecks I was getting every other week. Then my hours got cut which I already discussed here. I still tried to make due, but realized that I couldn't manage it. The amount that my new paychecks were coming out to was not worth the stress of working these crazy hours. So I asked around, and found out that the Hardee's in Murphy was hiring. Derek has a connection with the manager from when he worked there in high school, and she said she would try to help me.  With a backup plan now in place, I sent an e-mail to my supervisor explaining that come spring semester I wouldn't be able to come back. Before I had decided to quit I had told him that I would be staying in SoIll for Christmas holiday and, considering 99% of the campus goes home for break, I didn't want to force him to scramble to find someone willing to work the shifts I would have otherwise been working. I also figured that the extra month would give me time to use what I am getting from my paychecks (which should increase significantly come December 15th) to buff up my savings account a bit and a month or so to find another job if Hardee's doesn't work out.

So there it is. I have officially worked at the first place that I have decided to quit. That sounds crazy considering how many jobs I have actually had, but in all honesty all of my previous jobs (other than McDonald's) have just been a "I'm going to school for a few months but I'll call as soon as I come home" or vice versa with my campus jobs. The only reason I don't currently work at a total of 8 or so places is because they ended up hiring more help after I left and I wasn't needed anymore. That being said... what would that be considered as? Would you call that being fired or quitting? When applying for a new job, I just tell them that those jobs were just "temporary" or "seasonal". Then again, it probably looks bad that every single job I've ever had has either been temporary or seasonal. Heartland is my one exception though considering that I'm going on 4 years this month!

Anyways I digress... I have officially resigned from my Desk Assistant job and although I really don't want to work in fast food again, I'm really hoping I get this job at Hardee's. Otherwise, I sure hope that Lonestar can work me a whole lot more!

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